10 animals that are more beautiful than you

There’s no denying the beauty of the Mandarin duck. Shutterstock

The animal kingdom is full of beauty. From their vibrant feathers to majestic fur coats, there’s no denying that some animals are just prettier than us humans.

But don’t get down on yourself for not being as cute as a poison dart frog or as stunning as an Arctic fox. There are  reasons why these critters are so gorgeous — most have to do with evolution.

Here are 10 good-looking animals and the science behind their beauty.

The blue glaucus is the prettiest slug in the sea.

blue glaucus
The underbelly of the blue glaucus is grey. Shutterstock

The blue glaucus, otherwise known as a blue dragon sea slug, is probably the prettiest slug on Earth. With wacky, striped tendrils and a vibrant body, the blue glaucus is eye-catching.

But their blue coloring is a form of sneaky camouflage to protect the creatures while they float through the open ocean. When predators in the sky look down, they can’t spot the sea slugs, since they blend right into the shimmering sea. And when predators in the water below look up, they see the opposite side of the slug, which is gray and hard to detect.

The handsome male mandarin duck uses its plumes to attract female ducks.

Mandarin Duck
The males use attention-grabbing colors to attract a mate. Shutterstock

There was a lot of buzz about these fancy waterfowl after one took up residence in Central Park this fall. Originally from east Asia, the mandarin duck has found its way around the world, delighting park-goers with its beautiful plumes.

Mandarin ducks are sexually dimorphic, which means the males and females don’t look the same. Male mandarin ducks have the bright striped feathers, while female ducks are brown with white spots. The males use their attention-grabbing colors to attract a mate. But once summer rolls around, he molts and loses his come-hither feathers.

Tiny, adorable poison dart frogs can kill fully grown men.

poison dart frog
The poison dart frog is one of the most toxic animals on Earth. Shutterstock

The tiny poison dart frog comes in a rainbow of colors and can be found in South American rainforests. The elaborate patterns on the backs of the 1-inch amphibians can have shades of blue, red, yellow, or black. They’re meant to steer predators away.

In this species, the male frog cares for the young. After the female lays eggs, the male carries them around on his back all way through their tadpole stage.

If you come across of these creatures, keep a safe distance. Poison dart frogs contain enough poison to kill 10 adult men.

The female orchid mantis is pretty in pink.

orchid mantis
The female orchid mantis has pedal-like legs. Shutterstock

The mantis’ evolution in Southeast Asia led the female praying mantis to resemble beautiful orchid flowers.

That’s because the females hunt near the flowers. Their appearance fools pollinating bugs into getting close to them, and once the bugs are within reach, the orchid mantis quickly gobbles them up.

There’s no question that the orchid mantis looks like its namesake. Its soft pink and white tones and delicate striped patterns make it look nearly identical to the flower.

Arctic foxes’ majestic coats camouflage them in the snow.

Arctic Fox
The arctic fox’s white coat is for more than just looks. Shutterstock

With the sweet face of a puppy and a luscious white fur coat, Arctic foxes are certainly cute. But that pristine coat isn’t just for show. The thick fur that covers their body and paws helps them regulate their heat so they can survive in the frigid temperatures of Canada, Russia, Scandinavia, and other cold northern countries.

The distinct white fur is also effective camouflage in the snow. During the winter, Arctic foxes fit right into their habitats on the frozen tundra. Then when the snow melts, the foxes develop a gray coat that blends with the new plants and rocks that appear in the summer.

Gorgeous green-headed tanagers blend right into the lush forest.

green-headed tanagers
Like most small birds, Green-headed Tanagers are very active. Shutterstock

Covered in green, turquoise, and black feathers, the green-headed tanager hails from the forests of Brazil. The birds typically stick together in small groups of 10 to 20.

While their bright colors would attract attention in other circumstances, the green-headed tanager actually blends right into its environment. The vibrant green leaves covering the Brazilian forests are a perfect match to the greens on this beautiful bird.

Mandarinfish aren’t just pretty — they’re also deadly.

Mandarin Fish
The Mandarinfish is one of only two known species that produces a blue pigment. Shutterstock

The beautiful blue-striped Mandarinfish is found in the Pacific ocean from Japan down to Australia.

Most blue-colored animals don’t naturally produce their own pigment — typically, blue animals rely on an optical illusion using light. But the Mandarinfish is an exception, since it has special chromatophores called cyanophores that contain blue pigment.

These flamboyant fish are also poisonous and smell terrible. Because these fish don’t have any scales, they need extra protection from predators. So their bodies are covered in toxic spines and coated by a thick, foul-smelling mucus. Between the deadly poison and the gross smell, other animals know to leave these beauties alone.

Panther chameleons switch up their look based on their mood.

Panther chameleons


The panther chameleon’s vast range of colors makes it one of the planet’s prettiest animals.

When you see chameleons in cartoons that can change colors in the blink of the eye, that’s most likely a reference to one of these pretty lizards. But the panther chameleon’s color changes  don’t happen the way most people think.

If you change the background behind the lizard, for example, it might not switch hues. Instead, chameleons change colors for a variety of reasons including to communicate and express emotion. They do also sometimes use that ability to better blend into their natural habitat.

The clouded leopard looks like an exotic house cat.

clouded leopard
Most of what we know about these cats come from observing them in zoos. Shutterstock

Not only does this big cat have a beautiful, celestial name, but its big, brown eyes seem almost tender. A relatively small wild cat, the clouded leopard has unique spots and purrs like a house cat.

Those unique spots help it blend into its rainforest habitat in Southeast Asia. The way light filters through the treetops resembles the markings on the clouded leopard, which gives this big cat a chance to sneak up on its prey.

The sunset moth’s iridescent wings reflect bright light.

sunset moth
Madagascar sunset moths are diurnal, meaning, unlike most moths, they are active during the day. Shutterstock

These rainbow beauties are exclusively found on the island of Madagascar, where they feed on the nectar of flowers.

The sunset moth stands out because of the unique, colorful patterns on its wings. These bright colors signal to predators that the sunset moth is poisonous and not to be messed with.

The iridescence of the sunset moth’s wings is what causes it to look so vibrant. In darker light, the moth appears dull, since there is hardly any pigment in its wings. But bright light sets the colors of the wings aflame, revealing bright reds, oranges, and greens.

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