Zombie Strange vs. The Scarlet Witch Fight Scene [No BGM|Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


The sky is dark and swirling with ominous clouds. Lightning flashes in the distance, casting eerie shadows on the ancient, crumbling ruins. Atop the peak, Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff, stands in a defensive stance, her eyes glowing a deep crimson. Opposite her, Zombie Strange rises slowly, his decayed form barely held together by sheer force of will. His eyes, though sunken and lifeless, burn with determination.

The wind howls around them as they stare each other down. The only sounds are the crackling of energy emanating from Wanda’s hands and the shuffling of Strange’s decomposed limbs.

WANDA MAXIMOFF (taunting) You think you can stop me? Not even the dead can stand in my way.

Strange’s head tilts slightly, his jaw creaking as he opens his mouth to speak. His voice is raspy, almost a whisper.

ZOMBIE STRANGE You’ve… underestimated me… Wanda…

With a sudden burst of speed, Wanda lunges forward, her hands glowing with chaotic energy. She hurls a blast of red magic at Strange. He raises his decaying hands, conjuring a shield of greenish, necrotic energy. The blast hits the shield, causing a shockwave that sends debris flying in all directions.

Strange stumbles back, but quickly regains his footing. He summons a swarm of dark, ghostly hands that surge forward, reaching for Wanda. She flicks her wrist, and the hands disintegrate into ashes. She smirks.

WANDA MAXIMOFF Is that all you’ve got?

But before she can react, Strange teleports behind her, his movements jerky and unnatural. He grabs her shoulder with a decaying hand, the touch of deathly cold energy surging through her. Wanda grimaces in pain, but she quickly spins around, breaking his grip and sending a blast of energy into his chest.

Strange is thrown back, crashing into a stone pillar. His decayed body crumples to the ground, bones cracking audibly. But he doesn’t stay down. With a guttural groan, he pushes himself up, his broken bones snapping back into place. His eyes, though lifeless, are filled with an unrelenting drive.

Wanda raises both hands, summoning a massive surge of energy. Red tendrils of magic spiral around her, forming a swirling vortex of power. She glares at Strange, her voice filled with determination.

WANDA MAXIMOFF I’ll end this… now!

Zombie Strange, with one last effort, raises his hands, summoning the spirits of the damned. They swirl around him, screeching as they launch themselves at Wanda. The two forces collide in a blinding explosion of red and green energy.

As the dust settles, both stand, exhausted and battered. They lock eyes, each knowing that the battle is far from over.

The wind howls through the ruins as they prepare for the next strike.

This scene captures the tension and ferocity of the battle, highlighting the physical and magical prowess of both characters without relying on background music to enhance the intensity. The focus remains on their raw power and determination.

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